Monthly Archives: October 2016


全国首站,Campaign for UCL at Shanghai,相约外滩三号

Campaign for UCL 是学校于今年9月发起的一项运动,旨在寻求全球范围内的校友对母校提供资金上的或者志愿服务上的支持,所有的努力都是为了增进UCL的学术进步。校长将在活动上介绍UCL最新成就,启动为母校捐助和提供志愿服务运动Campaign for UCL。 In September 2016, UCL launches its biggest ever fundraisingand engagement Campaign focused on four main themes – students, health, Londonand disruptive thinking. It will also grow its worldwide community of friends,supporters, alumni, volunteers and mentors to create an unbeatable social andprofessional network. UCL now is asking you to pledge [...]

By | 2016-10-31T11:32:36+00:00 October 27th, 2016|Past Events|0 Comments

Provost Michael Arthur is coming to Shanghai

Dear UCLers, Don’t miss our UCL China alumni events of the year! SHANGHAI Time: Saturday 29 October, 7:00pm-9:00pm Venue: Pop Bar, Three on the Bund Registration: Click Here. BEIJING Time: Friday 4 November,7:00pm-9:00pm Venue: Four Seasons Hotel Beijing More Info At: Click Here. President and Provost of UCL, Professor Michael Arthur, will be hosting exclusive [...]

By | 2016-10-31T11:31:52+00:00 October 6th, 2016|Officer Visit, Past Events|0 Comments