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编辑 Artemis  排版 Vanessa -                责编 Lynn                - 校对 Nanchen Jiang U论,是由UCL上海校友会主办的行业分享活动。将针对各细分行业、热门领域,邀请各大海外院校优秀校友及行业大拿分享他们的思路与经验,并与各位校友共同展开讨论。The U Forum, hosted by UCL Alumni Shanghai Club, aims at sharing the industry information. Outstanding overseas universities alumni and industry executives are invited to share their experience and thoughts on [...]

By | 2019-03-04T13:36:38+00:00 February 23rd, 2019|Past Events, U forum|0 Comments

2019 CNY Mixer party

-文- Lynn -图- 感谢活动到场的全部小伙伴 -校对- 宣传部 Last Saturday(Jan. 19, 2019), together with other 24 university alumni clubs, the UCL Alumni Shanghai Club and Shanghai SORSA UK Branch held the 2019 Chinese New Year Mixer Party at Indigo Hotel Shanghai on the Bund. It was the first party of Shanghai SORSA UK Branch in 2019.   2019年1月19日,UCL上海校友会和上海市欧美同学会留英分会联合其他24所世界知名大学校友会在上海外滩英迪格酒店成功举办了2019年新春聚会。这是我们校友会作为留英分会新年第一季度轮值校友会的活动,也是留英分会的新年第一次活动。 [...]

By | 2019-03-04T13:36:49+00:00 January 19th, 2019|Mixer, Past Events|0 Comments

2018 UCL Annual Party

UCL Annual Party, 2018.11.20 @ Shanghai 2018 UCL Annual Party 圆满举办! 官方美照和完整活动视频火热出炉啦! 下载可复制链接 或戳阅读原文哦! 编辑&排版 Artemis  & Jenni 责编 Lynn Victorian Ball 维多利亚宫廷舞会 在这场宫廷舞会上,华丽炫目的礼服令人眼花缭乱叹为观止,庄严高贵的王座沉淀着英伦的优雅,晶莹剔透的钻石王冠闪闪耀星辰一般的光辉,美味的珍馐在流动中入嘴,交织的酒杯趁着人们的欢声笑语。这一切都像是梦境一样令人感到神秘而新奇,貌似遥不可及,却又触手可得。   In this Court ball, the gorgeous dresses were dazzling, the royal throne precipitated the elegance of England, the diamond crown was shining like a star, the delicious food flew into [...]

By | 2019-03-04T13:37:01+00:00 November 20th, 2018|Anual Party, Past Events|0 Comments


7月1日,由UCL校友办公室和UCL Alumni Shanghai Club联合主办,由SORSA留英分会协办的UCL Connect 创业分享会成功举办。 The UCL Connect Shanghai Entrepreneurship Forum has been successfully hosted, together by UCL Alumni Office and UCL Alumni Shanghai Club, co-organized by SORSA UK on July 1st, 2018. 本次活动首先由第一财经知名记者李莹女士对在座嘉宾进行介绍,后由特别邀请到的朗峰集团总经理江沐风先生、Fairy Group创始人范骁骁女士、IDG资本董事总经理楼军先生、北京银行上海分行投资银行部总经理顾炜威先生、上海市浦东新区创业投资协会理事长陆铭先生为大家展开了一场关于创业历程和创投策略的分享。 The event started with the warm host greetings from our UCL host Crystal and she introduced the guests. With the participation [...]

By | 2019-03-04T13:37:15+00:00 July 1st, 2018|Past Events, U forum|0 Comments


U论是由UCL上海校友会主办的行业分享活动,针对各细分行业、热门领域,邀请各大海外院校优秀校友及行业大拿分享他们的经验与思考,并与各位校友共同展开讨论。 The U Forum, hosted by UCL Alumni Shanghai Club, is aimed at sharing information, insights and expertise of different industries. In U Forum sessions, we invite outstanding overseas universities alumni and industry executives to deliever speeches on their experience and thinking on latest topics and to discuss with participants. 2017年7月8日,由UCL上海校友会主办的U论第三期——建筑行业分享活动,在上海XNode虹桥成功举办。本次活动邀请到了在建筑行业方面有着丰富经验的来自中国建筑上海设计院研究有限公司Arturo E. Veve,Bert Oostdijk和UCL的校友李颉歆、江南辰作为分享嘉宾,并吸引到超过二十名UCL校友参加。活动主持人UCL校友江南辰和杜思卿进行了精彩的串讲并组织了热烈提问和讨论。The U forum – the third sharing session in building iindustry field, organized by the [...]

By | 2019-03-04T13:37:30+00:00 July 8th, 2017|Past Events, U forum|0 Comments


U论是由UCL上海校友会主办的行业分享活动,针对各细分行业、热门领域,邀请各大海外院校优秀校友及行业大拿分享他们的经验与思考,并与各位校友共同展开讨论。 The U Forum, hosted by UCL Alumni Shanghai Club, is aimed at sharing  information, insights and expertise of different industries. In U Forum sessions, we invite outstanding overseas universities alumni and industry executives to give speeches on their experience and thinking on latest topics and to discuss with participants. 继上月成功举办U论首期金融行业分享会并获得不俗反响后,以“海外资产配置”为主题的U论第二期地产行业分享会也在2017年5月7日顺利举办。本次活动首次尝试在映客直播上进行了全程直播。 Following the first U Forum highly commended session on finance and investment, the second U Forum sharing session [...]

By | 2019-03-04T13:37:39+00:00 May 7th, 2017|Past Events, U forum|0 Comments


4月9日,由UCL上海校友会主办的U论第一期——金融行业分享活动,在上海壹泰东南亚主题餐厅成功举办。本次活动邀请到了UCL校友上海银行营业部副总经理薛秋莎女士、投中资本副总裁晓阳先生,以及剑桥校友联储证券资深投资经理邹江渝先生作为分享嘉宾,并吸引到超过五十名UCL校友参加。 The U forum – the first sharing sessions in financial field, organized by the UCL Alumni Shanghai Club, was successfully launched in Shanghai Yitai Restaurant on 9th April. UCL alumni Sasa, Clark and Cambridge alumnus Victor were invited as guests to give speeches, and more than fifty alumnus attended the event. 活动由UCL校友陈玮佳主持开场并进行嘉宾介绍。本次活动以加息背景下的投资机会为主题,针对美联储近期进行的第三次加息,薛秋莎女士首先谈及了此次加息的背景以及各类资产可能受到的影响,并从国有银行的角度分析了银行可能面临的挑战并做出相应的投资建议。晓阳先生则从外汇政策的相应变化和一级市场跨境并购、创业投资领域所受到的影响谈论了自己的观察和观点。最后,邹江渝先生回顾了二级市场各类资产在加息周期中的历史表现,并就2017年A股的投资方向给出了自己的建议。 The event [...]

By | 2019-03-04T13:37:49+00:00 April 9th, 2017|Past Events, U forum|0 Comments

Provost Michael Arthur is coming to Shanghai

Dear UCLers, Don’t miss our UCL China alumni events of the year! SHANGHAI Time: Saturday 29 October, 7:00pm-9:00pm Venue: Pop Bar, Three on the Bund Registration: Click Here. BEIJING Time: Friday 4 November,7:00pm-9:00pm Venue: Four Seasons Hotel Beijing More Info At: Click Here. President and Provost of UCL, Professor Michael Arthur, will be hosting exclusive [...]

By | 2016-10-31T11:31:52+00:00 October 6th, 2016|Officer Visit, Past Events|0 Comments