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2018 UCL Annual Party

UCL Annual Party, 2018.11.20 @ Shanghai 2018 UCL Annual Party 圆满举办! 官方美照和完整活动视频火热出炉啦! 下载可复制链接 或戳阅读原文哦! 编辑&排版 Artemis  & Jenni 责编 Lynn Victorian Ball 维多利亚宫廷舞会 在这场宫廷舞会上,华丽炫目的礼服令人眼花缭乱叹为观止,庄严高贵的王座沉淀着英伦的优雅,晶莹剔透的钻石王冠闪闪耀星辰一般的光辉,美味的珍馐在流动中入嘴,交织的酒杯趁着人们的欢声笑语。这一切都像是梦境一样令人感到神秘而新奇,貌似遥不可及,却又触手可得。   In this Court ball, the gorgeous dresses were dazzling, the royal throne precipitated the elegance of England, the diamond crown was shining like a star, the delicious food flew into [...]

By | 2019-03-04T13:37:01+00:00 November 20th, 2018|Anual Party, Past Events|0 Comments

2016 UCL Alumni Shanghai Annual Party

On Jun 11th, 2016, we UCLers have gathered in Shanghai Hongta hotel to celebrate the 2016 UCL Alumni Shanghai Annual Party. This is the most significant reunion for UCLers to share the latest news of UCL, exchange ideas, meet old friends and establish new social networks. The party started with a video summarizing what UCL [...]

By | 2016-10-23T17:58:50+00:00 June 13th, 2016|Anual Party, Past Events|0 Comments