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So far skylin has created 40 blog entries.

Our 30-Uni Global​ Alumni Singing Competition Last Month

We, UCL proudly represents one of the only 2 Unis from UK joined the 30-Uni (including Imperial College, Nanjing University, Fudan University, John Hopkins University and etc.) Global Alumni Singing Competition. Starting from mid-July we had 4 rounds of competition: Lady's Single(Our candidate:LIN Dan),  Men's Single(JIANG Mufeng), Group(LOU Yan & XI Feng), and Freestyle(MIAO Wang) every weekend. Although we did not make into [...]

By | 2016-10-23T17:58:01+00:00 September 24th, 2016|Entertainment, Past Events|0 Comments

Flashback: 7-Uni Summer Ball

On Sep 4, 2016, together with other 6 universities (Oxbridge,LSE, UAL, IC & King's College), UCL Alumni Shanghai held the long-awaited Summer Ball at Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund. The afternoon started with the warm host greetings from our handsome UCL host Sky and lovely UAL host Florrie, together with ultra-fancy Waldorf afternoon tea. Followed by [...]

By | 2016-10-23T17:58:05+00:00 September 20th, 2016|Entertainment, Past Events|0 Comments

A Chance to Meet with Professor Nick Tyler

Dear UCLers,   We do feel exited and honored to have professor Nick Tyler from UCL in the UK coming to meet alumnus 7.30pm on 30/Aug 2016 (Tuesday).   Nick Tyler is ChadwickProfessor of Civil Engineering, and investigates the ways in which peopleinteract with their immediate environments. He set up the AccessibilityResearch Group within the [...]

By | 2016-10-23T17:58:13+00:00 August 23rd, 2016|Officer Visit, Past Events|0 Comments

Cross-Uni Summer Garden Party

We will have a summer garden party with other universities. (eg. Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, Kings College, Imperial, UAL and etc) Time: August 6th 2:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Kartel Wine Bar (Outdoor Terrace, 5F) Price: Original price is 200 Yuan, but we get a special 20% discount for our UCLers. Remember to type in the promotion code when you purchase [...]

By | 2016-10-23T17:58:18+00:00 July 30th, 2016|InterUni Events, Mixer, Past Events|0 Comments

Register for the new UCL Alumni Online Community and connect

We're delighted to announce the launch of your new UCL Alumni Online Community (AOC) designed to help you connect with fellow former students online.   Join AOC and enjoy even more exclusive alumni benefits - from accessing e-journals to benefits and discounts. You’ll also be able to register for our exclusive networking area enabling you to [...]

By | 2016-10-23T17:58:29+00:00 July 19th, 2016|UCL News|0 Comments

Studio and KTV rehearsal for the Alumni Singing Competition

As we annouced at the anual party, UCL will send a singing team to join the Alumni singing competition(which is held together by Shanghai Alumni Clubs of different univerisities including Fudan Uni, Nanjing Uni and etc.) Last week, together with IC Alumni, we had a KTV rehearsal/selection in Xujiahui. After severe competition, we successfully formed [...]

By | 2016-10-23T17:58:36+00:00 June 30th, 2016|Entertainment, InterUni Events, Past Events|0 Comments


各位同学,上海市欧美同学会UCL分会第三波报名将在8月31日截止,请同学们赶快抓紧时间报名,错过这一轮,你可能要等上很长的时间了。别怪小编啰嗦,现在连中共中央办公厅都说要加强欧美同学会的建设了,再不加入,你还会错过更多的精彩哦。   入会申请步骤:   1. 填写入会申请表(申请表及填写指导见下面百度盘链接,打印后手填,要求字迹清晰,贴上照片,签字,然后提供扫描件) 2. 证件照片电子版(近期白底免冠照的电子版) 3. 毕业证书扫描件 4. 学历认证书或者留学人员回国证明扫描件 5. 转账截图(缴纳入会费用 100 元,可通过支付宝转账郑易,转账时请备注真实姓名和毕业年份,转账完成后请保留截图作为缴费依据)   支付宝账号,校验名:郑易   请把以上材料打包发至邮箱:,邮件中请说明你的微信号,我收到材料后会与你联系,如有问题请联系鸿飞(微信号:hongfeidong)。   申请表及填写指导链接(也可点击原文链接进入):   ---------以下是关于上海市欧美同学会的介绍--------- 什么是上海市欧美同学会? 上海市欧美同学会(简称SORSA)看起来是上海市留学归国学人自愿组织的民间团体,但其实是受到政府特别关爱的高层次人才团体,小编不敢随便吹牛,只列两个关爱过这个团体的领导:江泽民和胡锦涛都出席过上海欧美同学会年会并且致过词。如果这还没有震惊到你,那可以再透露一点:同学会中还有75位中科院院士和27位中国工程院院士,目前会员已经突破万人,有超过50个分会。   这和UCL有什么关系? 近几年UCL回到上海的校友越来越多,多到连SORSA都亲自来邀请我们加入欧美同学会大家庭,组建UCL分会。(壮哉我大UCL!)这次小编就是奉官方校友会之命前来广招各路UCL英雄加入到这个集体中。   那它和UCL官方校友会有什么关联呢? 欧美校友会UCL分会和UCL官方校友会是两个独立的组织哦,并不会因为你加入了一边就自动加入另一边了,不过两边会一起搞一些活动,但是,欧美校友会UCL分会因为受到了我党的关爱,每年我党会帮助我们举办一些高逼格的(免费的)会员活动,仅限会员参加,仅限会员参加,仅限会员参加,有钱也不能来,必须是会员!(终于有了钱不能解决的问题了!)   我为什么要参加呢? 什么?上面的仅限会员还没能打动你?那么这个如何: 欧美同学会除了以学校为主体的分会,还有以行业和区域为主体的分会,这些分会的好处小编随便抽两个解释一下:行业(金融,法律,创业,etc.)为主的分会会经常组织(含免费的)行业论坛和活动,e.g. 创业培训讲座etc.,帮助你拓宽眼界和认识厉害的业内人士;区域为主的分会自带我党区域关怀属性,遇到困难向分会举手,只要是政府相关的困难,我党都会来关爱你的。加入UCL分会的同时,你就拥有了加入两个其他分会的权利,一箭三雕你看懂了吗?

By | 2016-10-23T17:58:42+00:00 June 25th, 2016|Sorsa|0 Comments