U论是由UCL上海校友会主办的行业分享活动,针对各细分行业、热门领域,邀请各大海外院校优秀校友及行业大拿分享他们的经验与思考,并与各位校友共同展开讨论。 The U Forum, hosted by UCL Alumni Shanghai Club, is aimed at sharing information, insights and expertise of different industries. In U Forum sessions, we invite outstanding overseas universities alumni and industry executives to give speeches on their experience and thinking on latest topics and to discuss with participants. 继上月成功举办U论首期金融行业分享会并获得不俗反响后,以“海外资产配置”为主题的U论第二期地产行业分享会也在2017年5月7日顺利举办。本次活动首次尝试在映客直播上进行了全程直播。 Following the first U Forum highly commended session on finance and investment, the second U Forum sharing session [...]