Monthly Archives: February 2016


Say thanks to UCL donators and Join UCL photo campaign worldwide

We are kicking the month off in London with a celebration for our scholarships and bursary winner and there will be a fun and festive Philanthropy Day on campus on 29 February. Philanthropy Month is all about: -          celebrating the donations of money, time and skills UCL receives; -          making others aware of the wonderful things philanthropy [...]

By | 2016-10-23T18:00:22+00:00 February 16th, 2016|UCL News|0 Comments

UCL Professor to Cure Alzheimer within a Decade

Award-winning UCL Professor John Hardy has been featured heavily in the media this week with his prediction that a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease will be available within a decade.   Speaking at the Royal Society, Professor Hardy said: “In the coming year we will know if we are already at the start of a new [...]

By | 2016-10-23T18:00:28+00:00 February 3rd, 2016|UCL News|0 Comments