UCL Professor to Cure Alzheimer within a Decade

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UCL Professor to Cure Alzheimer within a Decade


Award-winning UCL Professor John Hardy has been featured heavily in the media this week with his prediction that a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease will be available within a decade.


Speaking at the Royal Society, Professor Hardy said:

“In the coming year we will know if we are already at the start of a new era of better treatments for slowing or stopping the development of Alzheimer’s disease.”

“I am confident that over the next decade or so we will find more effective ways of preventing or slowing down the dementias. By 2050 such advances should be benefiting at least a million people a year in the UK.”


Although the treatment wouldn’t trigger a complete recovery for Alzheimer’s disease, it would push back the age at which people develop the dementia.


We wanted to share the news of this ground-breaking research with our alumni.


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By | 2016-10-23T18:00:28+00:00 February 3rd, 2016|UCL News|0 Comments

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