Monthly Archives: July 2017



U论是由UCL上海校友会主办的行业分享活动,针对各细分行业、热门领域,邀请各大海外院校优秀校友及行业大拿分享他们的经验与思考,并与各位校友共同展开讨论。 The U Forum, hosted by UCL Alumni Shanghai Club, is aimed at sharing information, insights and expertise of different industries. In U Forum sessions, we invite outstanding overseas universities alumni and industry executives to deliever speeches on their experience and thinking on latest topics and to discuss with participants. 2017年7月8日,由UCL上海校友会主办的U论第三期——建筑行业分享活动,在上海XNode虹桥成功举办。本次活动邀请到了在建筑行业方面有着丰富经验的来自中国建筑上海设计院研究有限公司Arturo E. Veve,Bert Oostdijk和UCL的校友李颉歆、江南辰作为分享嘉宾,并吸引到超过二十名UCL校友参加。活动主持人UCL校友江南辰和杜思卿进行了精彩的串讲并组织了热烈提问和讨论。The U forum – the third sharing session in building iindustry field, organized by the [...]

By | 2019-03-04T13:37:30+00:00 July 8th, 2017|Past Events, U forum|0 Comments