Our Xmas Party
We had great fun in the Xmas party. Please do not hesitate to join us for the upcoming parties!!!
We had great fun in the Xmas party. Please do not hesitate to join us for the upcoming parties!!!
UCL and Institute of Education Merger Confirmed We wanted our alumni to be the first to know that the Institute of Education (IOE), the leading centre for education and social research, is to merge with UCL with effect from the 2nd December 2014. The IOE will join UCL as a single Faculty School, to be [...]
注:此篇为转发文,非原创。 伦敦大学学院是伦敦大学联盟(简称UOL)的创校学院,与剑桥、牛津、帝国理工、伦敦政经并称“G5超级精英大学”,代表了英国最顶尖的科研实力、师生质量、经济实力,在经济危机时期政府财政预算不减反增,是英国金三角的名校之一,同时也是英国顶尖研究型大学联盟——罗素大学集团的成员,享有英国政府最多的财政预算。UCL是第一个在招生上不论种族、宗教和政治信仰的英国大学,被称为是英国教育平权的先锋。 伦敦大学学院(UCL)的主校区邻近大英博物馆和大英图书馆,坐落于伦敦市中心,也因此使其成为了世界最昂贵的大学。 可达路线 UCL位于Bloomsbury District,在London的一区,交通非常方便。距UCL最近的地铁站是Euston Square。其他相近的地铁站有Warren Street,Russell Square 和Goodge Street,Euston火车站也在UCL附近。 1. 乘London Underground (Piccadilly Line)到Russell Square or King's Cross/St. Pancras。旅程大约为55分钟,车票是4英镑。另外,办理Oyster Card地铁票还可以打折。 2. 也可以坐Heathrow Express(机场快线)到Paddington station(帕丁顿站)。旅程只需15分钟! 车票单程是14.5英磅。 然后从 Paddington坐地铁(Hammersmith/City, Metropolitan or Circle Lines) 到EustonSquare,这段路程大约为10分钟,车票是4英镑。 (备注:所有的London的学生都可以办理National Rail Student Oyster photocard(全国学生铁路优惠卡),购买地铁票、公车票时可以优惠30%。 如果乘坐taxi(的士)价格为60英镑左右。) 交通工具 【地铁[subway]】:离UCL最近的地铁站是Euston Square (Hammersmith and City, Metropolitan and Circle lines)、 Warren Street (Northern and Victoria [...]
A new semester is coming! UCL 2014 freshmen are ready to start their adventure in London. As always, pre-departure event is organised for the new UCLers to prepare them the on the study/life in UCL. The event takes place on August 30, at Hyatt on the Bund. However, this year, alumni are also warmly invited [...]
主页君和大家玩的好开心吖~感谢小伙伴们的鼎力支持哈哈!期待更多校友加入我们的活动哟~ 有活动建议的小伙伴欢迎加fancyfairyme好友,注明UCL毕业时间专业和姓名才会通过验证哦! Have a nice Spring!