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So far skylin has created 40 blog entries.

2016 UCL Alumni Shanghai Annual Party

On Jun 11th, 2016, we UCLers have gathered in Shanghai Hongta hotel to celebrate the 2016 UCL Alumni Shanghai Annual Party. This is the most significant reunion for UCLers to share the latest news of UCL, exchange ideas, meet old friends and establish new social networks. The party started with a video summarizing what UCL [...]

By | 2016-10-23T17:58:50+00:00 June 13th, 2016|Anual Party, Past Events|0 Comments


2016年5月7日是个非常重要的日子,因为在这一天,上海市欧美同学会·上海市留学人员联合会伦敦大学学院校友会正式成立了! 当天晚上校友会在高大上的上海中心举办了成立仪式,全场有近80位校友参与到了成立仪式中,盛况空前。 成立大会不仅吸引到了众多校友参与,还很有幸地请来了数位重量级嘉宾,包括上海市欧美同学会的常务副会长彭裕文,秘书长王建敏,留英分会会长毛祥东,伦敦帝国学院分会会长武宁,会员部副部长徐丽娜以及上海市欧美同学会的部分核心成员。几位嘉宾都在成立仪式中发表了热情洋溢的讲话,给这个新生的分会带来了很多指导和鼓励,让UCL感受到了来自组织的温暖。 当然除了嘉宾之外,我们英俊帅气的蔡会长也和大家分享了一下校友会成立的一些打算,总结起来就是帮助UCLer能更好地在上海生活工作学习,所以聚会联谊一定会有,生活娱乐小福利一定会有,但同时借助上海市欧美同学会这个强大的平台,我们也会给大家推荐很多学术讲座和行业论坛,希望能在方方面面帮助到大家。 仪式结束之后场地负责人还关上了灯让大家欣赏了一下陆家嘴的夜景,小伙伴们纷纷表示上海中心的360度无死角夜景实在是全上海最佳没有之一了。 然而这样就结束了吗? 当然不会,成立大会之后的After-party把当晚推向了最高潮,任何语言在这一刻都是苍白无力的,直接上图。 After-party持续到了凌晨四点,UCLer真的是非常有活力! 下面是广告时间:校友会成立之后,理事会正在面对越来越多的事务,现在急需小伙伴们的力量,因此在这里正式发出理事会干事召集帖,希望有各种特长的小伙伴能助理事会一臂之力,如果你有幸看到了这段,千万不要犹豫,马上加入这个有趣的组织,这一定会成为你人生中一段很有意思的经历,说不定还会帮助你找到新的人生方向,甚至找到属于你的另一半。 理事会四个部门的需求如下: 秘书处:全能型选手,灵活性强,擅长随机应变 宣传部:中文好,英文好,会写东西,会P图,玩转WORD/PPT,有一颗热情的心,只要满足以上任何一项,就可以加入宣传部 会员部:沟通能力强,喜欢与人打交道,如有CRM相关工作背景大大加分哦 财务部&活动部:会管账,活动组织能力强,场地沟通与布置能力强 感兴趣的同学请在微信群中分别联系以下负责人:秘书处(Stella;微信号fancyfairyme),宣传部(星宇Henry;微信号zjgxpy),会员部(鸿飞;微信号hongfeidong),财务部&活动部:(Summer;微信号65268497) 感谢大家支持,我们很快就会再见面了!

By | 2016-10-23T17:58:58+00:00 May 9th, 2016|Sorsa|0 Comments

SORSA UCL Alumni Club Inauguration Ceremony RSVP

Hi UCLers, Still remember the registration news about UCL Alumni club setting up a branch under the Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association (SORSA) announced to you earlier this year? Good news! We are now about to formally set up the SORSA UCL Branch with the Inauguration Ceremony at 19:00 on May 7th in Shanghai Centre!  All the SORSA [...]

By | 2016-10-23T17:59:08+00:00 May 3rd, 2016|Sorsa|0 Comments

Last-Minute-Notice: Bartlett Shanghai Club Party Tonight

UCL alumnus from both Bartlett School and the other schools are welcomed to join the party organised by Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management Shanghai Club& Bartlett  Shanghai Club. Prof. Andrew Edkins is giving the Welcome Remarks, and Mr. John Kelsey will brief us an update of the Bartlett School.  Dr. Chen-Yu Chang will give [...]

By | 2016-10-23T17:59:16+00:00 March 31st, 2016|Mixer, Past Events|0 Comments

UCL alumnus’ program beats world Go champion

Demis Hassabis, the chief engineer of AlphaGo Program, is a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience graduated from University College London. In a landmark battle between man and artificial intelligence (AI), the world champion of the game Go was narrowly defeated by his computer opponent. Google's DeepMind AlphaGo program beat South Korea's Lee Se-dol in the first of a [...]

By | 2016-10-23T18:00:17+00:00 March 9th, 2016|UCL News|0 Comments

Say thanks to UCL donators and Join UCL photo campaign worldwide

We are kicking the month off in London with a celebration for our scholarships and bursary winner and there will be a fun and festive Philanthropy Day on campus on 29 February. Philanthropy Month is all about: -          celebrating the donations of money, time and skills UCL receives; -          making others aware of the wonderful things philanthropy [...]

By | 2016-10-23T18:00:22+00:00 February 16th, 2016|UCL News|0 Comments

UCL Professor to Cure Alzheimer within a Decade

Award-winning UCL Professor John Hardy has been featured heavily in the media this week with his prediction that a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease will be available within a decade.   Speaking at the Royal Society, Professor Hardy said: “In the coming year we will know if we are already at the start of a new [...]

By | 2016-10-23T18:00:28+00:00 February 3rd, 2016|UCL News|0 Comments