7月1日,由UCL校友办公室和UCL Alumni Shanghai Club联合主办,由SORSA留英分会协办的UCL Connect 创业分享会成功举办。
The UCL Connect Shanghai Entrepreneurship Forum has been successfully hosted, together by UCL Alumni Office and UCL Alumni Shanghai Club, co-organized by SORSA UK on July 1st, 2018.
本次活动首先由第一财经知名记者李莹女士对在座嘉宾进行介绍,后由特别邀请到的朗峰集团总经理江沐风先生、Fairy Group创始人范骁骁女士、IDG资本董事总经理楼军先生、北京银行上海分行投资银行部总经理顾炜威先生、上海市浦东新区创业投资协会理事长陆铭先生为大家展开了一场关于创业历程和创投策略的分享。
The event started with the warm host greetings from our UCL host Crystal and she introduced the guests. With the participation of five respectable guests, Moon Jiang, CEO of Londerful, Amy Fan, Founderof Fairy Group, Jun Lou, Managing Director of IDG Capital, Weiwei Gu, General Manager IBD and Ming Lu, President of the Shanghai Pudong New Area Venture Capital Assosiation, the event was conducted with a series of keynote speeches about the entrepreneurial history of our excellent UCL entrepreneurs and the investment strategy of venture capital from the knowledgeable experts, followed by a panel discussion.
Moon Jiang shared his own entrepreneurial experienceson. He pointed out that being an entrepreneur was far more than a statement or a concept. Launching a business required the entrepreneur to take various elements into consideration. He also claimed that, being a boss is also an occupation, but a more creative one.
Then, Amy Fan shared the story of her career, that she was employeed in two different companies and then she set up her own company successfully thanks to the experiences she had gained during working.
Jun Lou, as an experienced investor, shared his understanding of being an entrepreneur and suggested that those who want to have their own business need to be capable of dealing with loneliness. He also encouraged the participants to work for what they were passionate about.
Weiwei Gu and Min Lu kindly introduced the venture capital policies and the services an entrepreneur could get from the bank and the government.
The event ended in free and enthusiastic communication with the tasty afternoon tea.
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We sincerely hope and warmly welcome more and more alumni to participate in organizing and supporting the activities of UCL Alumni Shanghai Club.