2018 UCL Annual Party

UCL Annual Party, 2018.11.20 @ Shanghai

2018 UCL Annual Party 圆满举办!





编辑&排版 Artemis  & Jenni

责编 Lynn

Victorian Ball




In this Court ball, the gorgeous dresses were dazzling, the royal throne precipitated the elegance of England, the diamond crown was shining like a star, the delicious food flew into the mouth, and guests talked, laughed and cheered with others.



在主持人Kakou和Crystal的带领下,我们一起穿越时空,来到了英国的巅峰时代。 UCL校长Michael Arthur首先为大家献上了精彩的开场致辞。随后UCL 副校长Ms Lori Houlihan 及UCL教授Geraint Rees和Ivan Parkin也对大家表示了亲切的问候和关怀。英国驻沪总领事吴乔文先生和上海欧美同学会副会长于兵先生也纷纷发表了欢迎致辞。本次活动的冠名赞助商Savills创始人周玉女士也通过越洋视频发来了祝贺。

Led by host Kakou and hostess Crystal, we traveled through time and space together to reach the peak of  Britain. UCL Provost Michael Arthur gave us a wonderful opening speech. Subsequently, UCL vice-provost Ms Lori Houlihan and professor Geraint Rees and professor Ivan Parkin expressed their kind greetings. British consul-general Mr John Edwards and SORSA Vice Chairman Bing Yu also delivered their speeches. Michelle Zhou, the founder of Saills also sent her regards through Video.





Then the performers brought a well-prepared and fabulous opening dance. The gentlemen were elegant and graceful, the princesses were gorgeous and charming, and they attracted full attentions of every guest.

在领舞者的感染下, 大家各自邀请了舞伴,进入自由舞蹈环节。还有全民参与的群舞环节。甜蜜与浓烈在舞厅升温。

With leading dancers, everyone invited partners in the social dance session. Sweetness and enthusiasm warmed up the ball room.

Dance Battle 


精彩激烈的舞台Battle环节。四大家族Euston,Gower, Bloomsbury, Russell各自推选出了一对舞者,代表家族荣誉出征。只听音乐响起,四对璧人儿翩然起舞。有古典优雅的宫廷舞,有轻快明媚的Swing Dance,也有自由活泼的free style。 最后由代表Bloomsbury家族出征的江南辰和Artemis 凭借大胆热烈、狂野不拘的舞步将全场气氛推向了一个又一个高潮,并通过嘉宾玫瑰投票,一举夺得了Dancing King & Dancing Queen的称号。


Now turned to the exciting and fierce stage battle. Four families Euston, Gower, Bloomsbury and Russell had each chosen a pair of dancers to represent the family honor. When the music started, dancers performed classic court dance, light swing dance or free style dance by their own heart. In the end, Charles Jiang and Artemis Chen, who represented the Bloomsbury family, pushed the atmosphere to several climaxes with their wild and free style. After fierce rose voting by VIP guests, Charles and Artemis won the title of Dancing King & Dancing Queen.

 Lucky & Popularity Award


同时Sherry Zhang 凭借在朋友圈集得的430个赞,当之无愧的成为了今夜的人气女王,获得最佳人气奖项。而马恬怡则获得了跳舞特供的幸运卡片数字,成为了年会的幸运锦鲤。


Sherry Zhang, with 430 likes in her Wechat moment, deserved to win the Best Popularity Award tonight. Yitian Ma was given a lucky card number and became the the lucky koi of this year annual party.


此外,校长还为UCL上海校友会的杰出志愿者颁发奖章。感谢UCL Committee和本次活动志愿者为我们精心筹备的一场盛大舞会。在此,也希望更多的小伙伴可以加入我们,为UCL做出一份贡献。

Furthermore, Provost Professor Michael Arthur gave a medal to the members of the UCL Shanghai Alumni Club Committee. We are also looking for more alumni to join us to make a contribution to UCL together.

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We would like to extend our special thanks to the sponsors for their great contribution to this event. Thanks to:


【冠名赞助/Title Sponsorship】

【特约赞助/Special Sponsorship】

By | 2019-03-04T13:37:01+00:00 November 20th, 2018|Anual Party, Past Events|0 Comments

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